Wimborne Drama Productions Tivoli Theatre, Wimborne Carole Gadsby 21 February 2024
What a hilarious comedy this is. The play is set in 1970’s, and the Golden Age of the British Sitcom on television may have come and gone but with the theatre revival of Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em, it’s fair to say that the Golden Age is making a comeback on our local stages. Directed by Rob Cording-Cook this production lacks nothing, attention to detail, no gag left unturned with superb timing by the cast.
The plot is relatable, even in 2024. We see Frank played by James Bourner battle with financial worries and a deep desire to not be a failure. His delivery of the dialogue was fast and furious as well as hilariously funny. He brought to the play his warmth of character which made him quite believable. Betty played by Lindsay McGowan was fabulous in her role as wife and daughter, there was a chemistry between them both which came across to the audience.
Father O’Hara played by Chris Durham shone in his portrayal of the zany a bit dotty priest and bumbled about the stage getting a laugh when he could. Barbara Fisher, Betty’s mother played by Judy Garrett was convincing as a caring mother and very funny as she got drunker and drunker and had to be eventually taken to bed. Richard Neal who was both David Worthington and Terry Luscombe was able to separate his parts well, but I did prefer him as Mr Worthington especially when finding a chair to sit down. Loved Andy Gill as the cameraman he was funny and gay without even speaking.
Whilst to a younger audience, there are a couple of moments that might not play out as well as they do to an audience with nostalgia of the original sitcom, I fell in love with the characters and the production. I came away from the Tivoli with a full heart and very sore cheeks from smiling and laughing all evening, and is there anything better? It is irresistibly silly, totally uncomplicated, and just pure joy to watch. It will leave you mouth open and crying with laughter”.
The set, lighting, sound and scenery were all as they should be, and the Creative Team did a great job executing this to a high standard. The costumes were all in period and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the show.
Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em runs until Saturday 24th, including a matinee on the Saturday.